SF Mixed Bag 16

Various miniatures that have been finished over the last several months that didn't really warrant their own post are gathered here to get them moved to another shelf. For most of these we've got Calamari the Cthood Veteran Trooper conversion from Victoria Miniatures to help show the size next to a "normal" sized figure.

First up is a small sentry gun/booby trap metal figure from somewhere. I tried to paint the basing material to roughly match the case the gun is built in.

Next are a couple of loot crates from the Rogue Trader Kill Team box. They are pretty straightforward with slightly different colors to differentiate them.

The Eisenkern Accessories box came with a sprue of 3 of the cargo mules. I've assembled one previously as a hover mule, and now I've done another. This one has a light blue head with a white stripe.

Then we have another resin stone head with cork for the rocky outcropping. These heads come from Scibor Miniatures.

Servoskulls are one of my favorite kitbashing projects. These two were made for Servoskull Saturday (the 2nd Saturday of each month, it's the law). One is just a basic servoskull, because you can never have enough of them, and this one has a hazard strip cable. The other is one more for the torch skull brigade, because I've got a few more of these brazier bits to use up.

Finally, from Oathsworn Miniatures, a couple of little tank drones. These are part of a small project (some conversions of old GW plastic Squats with Victoria Miniatures arms) that have been waiting around for the main part of the project to be done.


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