Two More Space Elf Outcasts

Hasslefree and Freebooter provide the base miniatures for these latest two conversions that join the previously completed "Space Elf Outcasts."

This Freebooter figure was a relatively simple conversion, I gave her the alternate sword hand from the Hasslefree Space Elf Witch, replacing her original normal sword. I picture her as a former Howling Banshee for some reason. Her facepaint/tattoos should have been more elaborate, but her face is really small.

I have seen conversions of this Hasslefree miniature into an Eldar for years and finally got to cutting last year. The painting took a little longer to finish, but she's finally done now. I wanted her to look somewhat like a Harlequin, but not totally like a Harlequin. I've seen a few painted versions that did something similar with her hair and I thought I'd try it out. It looks okay. Her blade got the Rogue Hobbies prismatic sword method and I think it came out okay.

And here we've got the entire (current) Outcast group.


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