Minismith Roulette 11- Ygraine Girls and Rogue Stars Guy (500)

Back to the long-ignored Minismith Roulette stunt, because there are still a 28mm ton of miniatures in the fancy box.

The roll. 5= the Odd side of the box. 6= the sixth row down. 3= the third column.

Here are the miniatures from that specific cell. And below, they're lined up for a better view. They had all been primed and the middle guy had a little bit of paint work done on him.

First is the Rogue Stars guy. He was started many years ago when I got a load of Rogue Stars miniatures. He's not the last of them, but he's close.

His coat was multiple layers of increasingly lighter purples. The space caterpillar pet got a dark red base and some surprising mix of red and a pale yellow with an old florescent Partha Paint for the final highlights. The rest was just whatever felt right. I'm pleased with the results.

I had painted at least one of these girls (the third sculpt in the blister) longer ago than I realized. But what to do to these other two Cobalt-1 Ygraine ladies who were only recently assembled and based up on fancy Star Wars Legion bases?

I put them in the cell with the Captain because I thought maybe they could be his bodyguards and he was all alone after I scrounged a couple other miniatures that had  been with him. But their bases don't match the Captain, so I decided these ladies would benefit from not having to match the Captain. Then they sort of ended up matching the Captain, with the purples. 

Their armor HAD to be purple since it's my favorite color but I rarely seem to use it. Then it was just a matter of finding colors for their gear that would go well with their armor. 

On that original Ygraine mini, I gave her some dark face paint, so these two got the same. Their hair needed to be bright, so we got a blonde and a redhead with the brightest paints I could manage. I really love the look of their packs with all those bristling sensors or whatever high tech things they are. They came with clear plastic bubble helmets, but those were lost long ago, I think they look fine without them.

Here we have the Ygraine with the two Space Wolf guys, also from Cobalt-1. I really wish I had more of these characterful old miniatures by Bob Naismith. Their style scratches a certain itch in my brain. 

And below we have the Ygraine girls with the usual size comparison team.

On an interesting side note- this may be the 500th post on the Minismith's Forge. Wow. I guess I'll keep painting for a while.


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