Two Modulus Penitents


Another acquisition from Adepticon 2023, from the Jolly Lark booth come a couple cultist miniatures that are previews from their upcoming Kickstarter. The heads are seperate pieces so it made the decision to use a couple of spare Ghar Battlesuit heads (those are now in the top 3 of my favorite plastic kits) even easier. And the Modulus Penitents were created...

The heads were pinned to the bodies but first needed to have the giant hole in the back filled somehow. Instead of sculpting something I found some bits to use on each of them to cover the hole. I've still got a handful of the Sedition Wars fancy bases that they both had to go on.

This one is simply referred to as 'yellow' right now. The helmet plates and big eyes were really fun to paint.

'Aqua' was also a treat to paint. It's a simple paintjob for each of them but I think they both came out presentable.

Finally we've got a lineup with some other 28mm-ish figures- GW Primaris. Raging Heroes Jailbird, Colony 87, and Victoria Miniatures Highland Trooper.


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