Lady Mantodya

I've wanted to make something like this with at least one of the three olde Warhammer Fantasy vampire ladies for years. I got all three from a bits seller a long time ago and finally got the courage to do something with one of them near the end of last year. Now we've got another. The third is in the early planning and gathering bits stages.

While building Lady Mantodya, I started getting a clearer picture of a background for the three miniature ladies that must be built. Three sisters of the fallen House Turbadraang is a project I didn't know I needed. Mantodya is the middle sister, she lost her legs in the betrayal perpetrated by a rival house on her wedding day. While she was fitted with cybernetic legs, eventually she designed an anti-grav rig with two scything limbs to help in her lust for revenge against those involved in the betrayal of her House. In the underhive, Mantodya has gained a reputation as a dark enchantress, luring many a ganger with her haunting lament. Once they are within her grasp, they are devoured. 

I used the bottom part of an olde banshee (similar to the recent ghost miniature), some Escher bits, and other random bits and guitar strings. The gap between her torso and bottom half was filled with greenstuff. For some reason, I associate far-future nobles with exotic furs, so I clumsily sculpted some fur to help hide the join. I think it came out okay. The "mantis arms" are from one of the Blackstone Fortress drones, I was pleasantly surprised at how nicely they fit in with the rest of the conversion. 

I was spurred on to actually do this build because of the recent #eminem24 event (every model is a Necromunda model). I rolled on the table but didn't totally follow them. Gang- 6 Free; Theme- 5 Pastel Punk; Weaponry- 2 Mind Bullets; Twist- 1 Automata; Go Extra- 1 3 Colors

The painting was pretty straightforward. Just a little bit of blending of some ancient Ral Partha florescent magenta on the bottom part of the dress made her look a little fancier.  I tried to make the hover globes on her back look like they were sort of glowing, it came out so-so,  but I don't hate it.

Here we have Lady Mantodya with her younger sister, Countess Ambrosya. Why is their skin pale blue? Because it makes them look creepier, or maybe some oxygen situation related to their House origins.

And here we've got Lady Mantodya with the usual size comparison team. 

Sometime sooner rather than later, the eldest Turbadraang sister will arrive...


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