Sci-fi Mixed Bag 17

Four minis that were partially painted for a short time and finished up at the same time. They've made room for some other miniatures that have started to crowd the painting table lately (several random builds of plastics and such). 

First is a robot assistant from Guildball. I got this guy at some pre-Covid GenCon. He was missing one of the tank treads so I decided to make him hover. Otherwise, just a pretty straightforward paintjob. The base is from a pack of random resin bases I picked up at Adepticon a couple years ago. 

Next is a quick conversion of an Impact Miniatures baboon into anaAbhuman gun servitor. I snipped off his head and used a Mecahanicus head, but I managed to sculpt some spiky hair on it. I impressed myself with how good it came out. His backpack is an old Star Wars prepainted mini Mon Calamari head that was in my bits box from a previous conversion. His gun arm is from a Micr-Art Studios not-Mechanicus figure that I've wanted to use for a long time. 

Finally, we've got a couple resin figures from Phix Systems. The creator gave this to me at Adepticon while I was working at the Crocodile Games booth because he was such a fan of the WarGods of Aegyptus Basti (cat girls).

This little robocat was a surprise when I opened the baggie. I broke the tail/cord while I was cleaning it, but I managed to get it reattached at a different angle. 

This anime-ish cat girl is pretty nice. I think she was one piece. Cleanup was pretty easy. I took far too long trying to decide what colors she should have, but once I decided she was pretty quick to paint. I think she came out okay. 


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