Minismith Roulette 8- 3 Dysprosian Brotherhood Members


Once more to the big box of partially painted minis to roll the dice and let fate decide what gets painted! The Minismith Roulette stunt is back again...

This batch was originally rolled up back in 2021 but after the first one was finished the other two took a back seat to other minis. The "5" roll took us to the "Odds" side of the box-- the "7" took us to row 7-- and the "2" took us to the center column to these three minis. They were all painted a little bit with the most work on their bases.

This Reaper Pathfinder mini was finished first about a week after this batch of minis was rolled up. She is Sister Bryonne and I searched for this mini far and wide before ordering it from an online shop. I like how she came out.

Brother Radiks was one of the first minis assembled as part of the Brotherhood. He was kitbashed from several sources (GW, Mantic,  Victoria Miniatures). I pictured him as more of a data guy than a fighter, so he's got the armful of scrolls.

Finally this Freebooter mini got finished most recently. She's another one of those excellent miniatures that I was too scared to finish for the longest time. Originally she was on a plain 25mm base but when the Brotherhood project started coming together I decided she should get a fancy alien wreck base to fit in. During her original assembly one of the little pods on her back was lost to the void and it took several months for me to decide on using a little piece of plastic rod to replace it. It's barely noticeable.


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