Tech Bazaar 10 - Felopian Hover Platform

Years ago, when I got my current cellphone, I was sent a case for the wrong model. It was apparently so cheap that even after I was refunded I wasn't asked to send it back. So I've had this unusable hard cellphone case that I just knew I could do something with... And since I've become more than a little obsessed with hovering terrain features lately I looked at this rigid hard plastic thing in a different light.

I found some thick strong wire that I could safely reshape the ends into roughly flat  corkscrews to attach to  the base and the middle of the platform to get the flying effect. Then I started looking for bits to attach mostly to the underside (because everybody knows that's where all the anti-gravity techy bits go).

One of my medications often comes in these cool square bottles that I have saved to use for builds (so far I think this thing was the only other time I've actually used one). Various plastic tubes and lids/caps were also used for the mechanical parts on the underside. 

I wanted to keep the top mostly clear for maximum playable surface. There's only a couple of 'curbs' to keep cargo and passengers from falling off made from lengths of sprue, a vent or some other technical thing from a new power cord, and a tank from some airplane kit.

Here we've got the Wandering Techpriest and his entourage checking out the Platform.

And her are some other folks up to no good...


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